domingo, 13 de janeiro de 2008

Pós Graduação - Feline Practice

Centro de Formação Improve Ibérica, Águeda

19 Abr - 9 Nov 2008

Este curso é supervisionado e acreditado pelo European School of Veterinary Postgraduate Studies (ESVPS) e preenche todos os seus rigorosos critérios. Pretende-se, através deste programa de treino e qualificação, fornecer formação avançada para cirurgiões veterinários na área Felinos.

9.30 - 17.30

Módulo 1 - Infectious diseases I
19 Abril

Diane Addie

· Describe the steps involved in diagnosing effusive, or non-effusive feline infectious peritonitis (FIP)
· Discuss the uses and limitations of in-house FeLV and FIV diagnostic tests and be familiar with the theory and uses of tests offered by reference laboratories (immunofluorescence, virus isolation, PCR and RT-PCR, FeLV virus neutralising antibodies)
· Have knowledge of the prognosis for cats positive for FeLV, FIV, FIP or seropositive for FCoV antibodies
· Be familiar with the clinical presentations of Mycoplasma haemofelis and Mycoplasma haemominutum

Módulo 2 - Infectious diseases II
20 Abril

Diane Addie

· Describe the steps involved in diagnosing a cat with upper respiratory disease
· Discuss various options for treating chronic feline gingivostomatitis
· Have good knowledge of the main causes of fading kittens

Módulo 3 - Clinical pathology and laboratory diagnosis
14 Maio

Kath Tennant

· Understand the methodology involved in the generation of haematology, biochemistry and cytology profiles
· Understand the limitations of technology and equipment used in both practice and laboratory environments
· Understand and interpret haematology and biochemistry profiles
· Be aware of factors that will generate artefacts or abnormalities and be able to interpret and propose further investigation
· Be familiar with the cytology of haemic and non-haemic cell populations, both reactive and neoplastic, and have the ability to trace or plot maturation and degeneration pathways in blood, fluid and tissue smears

Módulo 4 - Cardiology
15 Maio

Chris Little

· Recognise the importance of detailed history and clinical examination of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems in the diagnosis of cardiopulmonary diseases
· Understand the common causes of heart disease in cats
· Understand the central importance of blood pressure in the pathophysiology of cardiac disease in cats and know how to discriminate the causes of hypertension in this species
· Recognise the crucial role of high quality imaging modalities (especially ultrasonography and radiology) in the differential diagnosis of feline cardiopulmonary diseases

Módulo 5 - Feline behavioural problems
19 Julho

Sam Scott

· Understand normal cat behaviour
· Understand the clinical causes of feline behaviour problems
· Be able to deal with straightforward problems
· Understand and apply strategies for improving core territory security

Módulo 6 - Dermatology
20 Julho

Peter Forsyth

· Recognise the common reaction patterns seen in feline skin disease
· Perform a diagnostic work up including laboratory investigations of the most common and less common feline dermatoses
· Have a knowledge of the therapeutic options available for the treatment of parasitic, infectious, hypersensitivity and immune mediated dermatoses of cats
· Recognise some of the less commonly presenting skin problems of cats

Módulo 7 - Renal diseases Ð the upper urinary tract
13 Setembro

Lucy Davison

· Differentiate between pre-renal azotaemia, acute intrinsic primary renal failure, decompensated chronic renal failure and post renal azotaemia
· List the diagnostic tests that would be most usefully undertaken in cats with clinical signs of chronic renal failure and explain how these can be used to stage this disease syndrome
· Explain why control of plasma phosphate concentration is beneficial to the long term survival of cats with chronic renal failure, discuss the management protocols to achieve this and explain how these should be tailored to the individual catÕs requirements
· Discuss the role of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors in the management of renal disease in cats, identifying cases that are most likely to benefit from this therapy and the situations where administration of these drugs can precipitate a uraemic crisis

Módulo 8 - Endocrinology
14 Setembro

Lucy Davison

· Define the clinical signs of common feline endocrine diseases and understand their pathogenesis
· Understand the principles of key diagnostic tests and their application for common feline endocrine diseases
· Understand the management of common feline endocrine diseases and know how to deal with some of the complications
· Know the clinical signs of some uncommon feline endocrine diseases and know how to find out more information when needed.

Módulo 9 - Neurological examination and diagnosis
18 Outubro

Rodolfo Capello

· Understand the tests used in the neurological examination and be able to interpret the results
· Interpret the clinical signs of neurological dysfunction
· Be able to localise a lesion in the nervous system of the cat
· Be familiar with the types of disease that occur in the different areas of the nervous system and how to manage those cases (diagnostic evaluation and aspects of treatment)

Módulo 10 - Ophthalmology
19 Novembro

John Mould

· Understand the normal feline eye and use readily available diagnostic equipment and disposables for feline ophthalmic cases
· Recognise those ophthalmic conditions which are unique to the cat or which are especially important in this species
· Perform such surgical procedures as are required in feline ophthalmology
· Carry out medical management of feline ophthalmic problems

Módulo 11 - The liver, pancreas and gastrointestinal tract
8 Novembro

Tim Grufydd-Jones

· Outline a practical approach to the investigation and management of the common medical conditions affecting the feline oesophagus, stomach, small and large intestine
· Understand the common surgical procedures involving the gastrointestinal
· Describe the various tests used in the diagnosis of liver disease and the management options for the common medical disorders of the liver in cats
· Have a working knowledge of the common disorders of the feline pancreas and the approach to diagnosis and management of those problems

Módulo 12 - Oncology
9 Novembro

Tom Cave

· Understand the clinical relevance of tumour biology
· Evaluate the evidence base to make rational treatment decisions for feline cancer patients
· Understand the importance of biopsy and staging in therapy decision making
· Council owners of cats with common malignancies on appropriate treatment options

Outros componentes chave do programa
Após cada um dos 12 módulos, os formandos que pretendam submeter-se ao exame GPCert(SAP), devem estudar um tema adicional (aditional learning) individualmente. A combinação entre os módulos leccionados e o estudo individual permitirão aos candidatos abranger a totalidade do programa durante o período do curso. Os objectivos de aprendizagem juntamente com as bibliografias recomendadas serão fornecidos para estes exercícios adicionais.

Além das principais áreas clínicas, o programa também considera 12 exercicios de aptidões chave (“Key-Skills”) que são de extrema importância para Médicos Veterinários que exerçam clínica. É esperado que os candidatos ao GPCert(SAP) completem os 12 exercícios de aptidões chave (“Key-Skills”).

3569.50 euros


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