domingo, 23 de dezembro de 2007

Pós-Graduação - Small Animal Surgery Part Two – Soft Tissue Surgery

Escola Superior Agrária de Santarém

23 de Fevereiro de 2008 a 18 de Maio de 2008

Horário: 9h30 - 18h30

Este curso é supervisionado e acreditado pelo European School of Veterinary Postgraduate Studies (ESVPS) e preenche todos os seus rigorosos critérios. Pretende-se, através deste programa de treino e qualificação, fornecer formação avançada para cirurgiões veterinários na área Cirurgia de Tecidos Moles.

Módulo 1 - Surgical asepsis and basic operative techniques. Wounds and wound healing
23 Fevereiro
Orador: Kieri Jermyn, BVSc CertSAS MRCVS
- Instrumentation and instrument handling;
- Antiseptics, sterilisation techniques and use of antibiotics;
- Gloving and gowning;
- Principles of wound healing – primary and delayed closure, secondary healing;
- Principles of reconstructive surgery – skin flaps and grafts, use of drains.

Módulo 2 - Surgical oncology
24 Fevereiro
Orador: Kieri Jermyn, BVSc CertSAS MRCVS
- Principles of oncologic surgery;
- Surgery for skin tumours, oral tumours, gastrointestinal tumours, urogenital tumours and chest wall tumours;
- Feline specific tumours.

Módulo 3 - Gastrointestinal surgery I
29 Março
Orador: Don Sheahan, BVSc BSc CertSAS MRCVS
- Salivary gland diseases – mucocoeles, trauma, hypersialism, neoplasia;
- Oesophageal foreign bodies, trauma. Strictures, diverticulum, neoplasia;
- The stomach – hiatal hernias, gastric foreign bodies, dilatation/volvulus, gastric outflow disease, gastric neoplasia.

Módulo 4 - Gastrointestinal surgery II
30 Março
Orador: Don Sheahan, BVSc BSc CertSAS MRCVS
- Intestinal surgery – serosal and omental patching, obstructions and foreign bodies, neoplasia;
- Megacolon, rectal prolapse and stricture;
- The anus and perianal area – atresia ani, anal sac disease, anal furunculosis;
- Liver, spleen and pancreas surgery.

Módulo 5 - Urinary and reproductive tract surgery
26 Abril
Orador: Alasdair Hotston Moore, MA VetMB CertSAC CertVR CertSAS MRCVS
- Obstructive diseases of the urinary tract – ureters, bladder and urethra;
- Urinary incontinence;
- Urinary tract neoplasia;
- Disorders and surgery of the female and male reproductive tracts.

Módulo 6 - Oral and pharyngeal surgery. The ear
27 Abril
Orador: Alasdair Hotston Moore, MA VetMB CertSAC CertVR CertSAS MRCVS
- Surgery of the lips and cheeks, tongue and hard palate;
- Maxilla/mandible – maxillectomy and mandibulectomy;
- Pharyngeal surgery;
- Tonsillar surgery;
- The ear – lateral wall resection, vertical canal ablation, total canal ablation/lateral bulla osteotomy, ventral bulla osteotomy, haematomas.

Módulo 7 - Surgery of the upper airways. Laryngeal and tracheal surgery
17 Maio
Orador: Alasdair Hotston Moore, MA VetMB CertSAC CertVR CertSAS MRCVS
- The nose – neoplasia, autoimmune disease;
- The nasal sinuses;
- Brachycephalic airway disease;
- Laryngeal diseases – paralysis, collapse, trauma, stenosis, neoplasia;
- Tracheal surgery – tracheotomy, tracheostomy, collapse, resection/anastomosis, trauma, foreign bodies, neoplasia.

Módulo 8 - Thoracic surgery
18 Maio
Orador: Alasdair Hotston Moore, MA VetMB CertSAC CertVR CertSAS MRCVS
- Instrumentation, thoracotomy procedures, thoracic drainage;
- Lung lobectomy, thoracic trauma;
- Diaphragmatic ruptures;
- Chylothorax;
- Patent ductus arteriosus.

Preço: 2200.00 euros
IVA: 462.00 euros
TOTAL: 2662.00 euros


Número máximo de participantes: 15

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